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First Sorrowful Mystery

Agony in the Garden

Spiritual Fruit:

Trust in God



The Agony in the Garden

1. Jesus comes with his disciples to Gethsemani: “Stay here, while I go yonder and pray.”


2. Entering the garden with Peter, James, and John, Jesus prays, “My soul is sorrowful unto death.”


3. Jesus sees the sins of all mankind, whose guilt He has taken upon Himself.


4. He sees the wrath of the Father which His sufferings must appease.


5. So great is his anguish that His sweat becomes as drops of blood falling to the ground.


6. An angel appears to Him from heaven to strengthen Him.


7. “Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet, not My will but Yours be done.”


8. Finding the disciples asleep: “Could you not watch one hour with me?”


9. Jesus is betrayed by Judas, cruelly bound and led away.


10. Father, by the merits of the agony of Jesus in the Garden, have mercy on us and on the whole world.


Spiritual Fruit:

Trust in God        

1. Acceptance of God's Will
2. Detachment
3. Labor
4. Determination
5. Happiness through Conformity to his Will (Sanctification)


[1. Acceptance of God's Will]

 “You well know that I preferred his company to all the delights of the world. But since it has pleased You to take him from me, I accept Your will completely.”

-St. Elizabeth (On the death of her husband)


I desire to suffer always and not to die. I should add: this is not my will, it is my inclination. It is sweet to think of Jesus; but it is sweeter to do His will.

-Bl Mary of Jesus Crucified “The Little Arab”


 “Perfection is founded entirely on the love of God: ‘Charity is the bond of perfection;’ and perfect love of God means the complete union of our will with God’s.”

-St. Alphonsus de Ligouri         

[2. Detachment]

A soul who is really resigned to God's will does not become attached to any created thing because he sees clearly that all things are nothing except God.

-Blessed Henry Susone

[3. Labor]


'All that the beginner in prayer has to do -- and you must not forget this, for it is very important -- is to labour and be resolute and prepare himself with all possible diligence to bring his will into conformity with the will of God. As I shall say later, you may be quite sure that this comprises the very greatest perfection which can be attained on the spiritual road.'

-St. Teresa of Jesus             

[4. Determination]


'More determination is required to subdue the interior man than to mortify the body; and to break one's will than to break one's bones.'

-St. Ignatius of Loyola


I will attempt day by day to break my will into pieces. I want to do God's Holy Will, not my own!

-Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother

[5. Happiness through Conformity to his Will (Sanctification)]

God wills only our good; God loves us more than anybody else can or does love us. His will is that no one should lose his soul, that everyone should save and sanctify his soul: “Not willing that any should perish, but that all should return to penance[49].” “This is the will of God, your sanctification[50].” God has made the attainment of our happiness, his glory. Even chastisements come to us, not to crush us, but to make us mend our ways and save our souls.

-St. Alphonsus de Ligouri


'If, devout soul, it is your will to please God and live a life of serenity in this world, unite yourself always and in all things to the divine will. Reflect that all the sins of your past wicked life happened because you wandered from the path of God’s will.'

-St. Alphonsus de Ligouri                                

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